Our success, as one of the premier dental labs in America, is realized when you begin to rely on the quality, craftsmanship and service. We offer a wide range of products from crown and bridge to implant denture to emax and zirconia crowns. Please call our lab or email us for more information.
The prosthetics are not removable, like dentures. They are placed in permanently. Crowns (also known as “caps”) cover a damaged tooth or an implant, bridges fill in the space of missing teeth, and both can shape up the look, alignment, and bite of the teeth. They also help teeth that are chipped or decayed, and can keep a pretty smile without the vision of the decaying tooth. It is usually made out of porcelain and semi-metals, but it could be metal-free if preferred. Some of those metal-free restorations include a certain for ceramic called leucite, and making a direct 3D image based on a computer photograph of your tooth; no impressions are needed. If you have a week tooth, a dental implant, or a gap that needs covering, one of these procedures will work.
At Atlantic Dental Smile each dental technician understands that our attention to the details of each and every case is what it takes to be a consistent stress free resource for you, the Dentist, as well as your staff and patients.