Ionic Paint Additive

  • 6 Poinette Place Palm Coast FL 32164, USA
The Ionic Paint Additive removes indoor odors from your home. A permanent air purification system that eliminates offensive odors.
  • 6 Poinette Place Palm Coast FL 32164, USA


The Ionic Paint Additive removes indoor odors from your home. A permanent air purification system that eliminates offensive odors.


Paint Additive For Smells
Air- Renu Paint Additive
Odor Eliminating Paint Additive


Homeowners can now transform the walls in their homes into a permanent air purification system, eliminating smoking odors, airborne pathogens, mildew, mold, and bacteria. It is a simple process, mix one packet of the ionic paint additive with one gallon of interior house paint and apply the blended mixture to the walls of your home.