Indogulf BioAg LLC

  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801

Indogulf BioAg LLC

Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
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Added on 07 January 2022
Indogulf Neem Oil Spray for Plants Pest Control
Neem Oil is a natural pesticide extracted from the seeds of the Neem tree(Azadirachta indica). Neem oil is a great solution if insects, mites, or fungi bother your plants. Neem oil spray shows the most useful results when applied to young plant growth. Its excellent safety profile for higher organisms, especially birds and mammals, makes it a better alternative to chemical pesticides. Neem oil can prevent larvae from maturing, reduce or interrupt mating behavior, and, in some cases, the oil coats the breathing holes of insects and kills them. For more info visit https://www.indogulfbioag.com/protect-neem-oil

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Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group. We are pioneers in the development of biological Inoculant, organic fertilizers, and mycorrhiza (VAM). Our research More
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