Indogulf BioAg LLC

  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801

Indogulf BioAg LLC

Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group.
  • Nature is the best technology
  • 1309 Coffeen Avenue STE1200 Sheridan, 82801
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Added on 28 December 2021
Why do I need mycorrhizal fungi?

Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plants at the root level. These fungi enshroud and, in some cases, penetrate the structure of plant roots to form an intimate connection that facilitates a 2-way nutrient exchange. The mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi essentially extends the roots system of their associated plants to help the plants easily draw in nutrients, minerals, and water from afar. In return, the mycorrhizal plant provides the fungus with photosynthesized sugars.


• Improve plant root growth and development
• Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops
• Increase and facilitate n
• utrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to Xylem, Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, Sulphur and molybdenum
• Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency of the crop
• Enhance product quality and increase immune power of the crop
• Mycorrhiza supplements root hair in water absorption hence preventing reduction in crop relative water content of cells and helping to overcome drought.
Discover more: https://www.indogulfbioag.com/root-enhancer-mycorrhiza

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Indogulf BioAg is the dedicated biotechnology division set up under the Indogulf Group. We are pioneers in the development of biological Inoculant, organic fertilizers, and mycorrhiza (VAM). Our research More
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