Trademark SearchAvoid trademark conflicts before you apply for registrationMake sure your trademark is available before spending money and time on applying for ... .... read more
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Impanix provides the financial tools and bookkeeping services to grow your small business. We pair you with a full team of accountants, tax experts, and bookkeepers who work directly with you and each More
Form a corporation with speed, value and easeDocuments filed with the state forming your corporationPersonalized bylaws and resolutions defining who owns and ma...
Patentability SearchFeatured inWhat is Patentability Search?A patentability search or novelty search is conducted to evaluate the patentability of an invention ...
Limited Liability
The easiest, most flexible way to launch your businessShield your personal assets from business liabilities.The flexibility to run your business as you wish.Fea...
Website terms conditions & Privacy policy | Protect your business from Legal Actions
Protect your business from legal suites with a website terms and conditions and privacy policy drafted by Impanix Lawyers. Create custom website terms and conditions and privacy policy at just $99.
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Website Terms and
Website Terms & ConditionsProtect yourself and your business from lawsuits and other legal actionProtect yourself, your business and user data with website term...
Trademark Registration for US Business | Impanix
Impanix is the leading Trademark Registration service provider to US based companies. Protect your Product Name & Business Name with Impanix.
Trademark RegistrationProtect the name of your business on which you have worked hardA registered trademark provides great legal security to your brandPricing s...
Bookkeeping ServicesOutsource your Accounting to usJust provide your invoices & bills, and we take care of the rest ..!!!Get 'beautiful' financial reports to ma...