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    Added on 25 February 2020

    Most Effective Tips To Save Your Phone Battery

    25 February 2020

    Last year, a survey was conducted about the most important feature that they want in the next iPhone. More than 1600 people took part in this survey and 75% of the people gave the vote to the ‘Longer battery life’. It is a fact that almost all the smartphone users want that their phone should have a high-resolution screen and faster processors. Along with high-resolution screens and faster processors, they also want their phones should not die at the end of the day. In other words, they want longer life of smartphones. No doubt, there are lots of smartphones companies which are providing the longer battery life smartphones for the users but people are not able to manage the battery time of these smartphones. Here, experts of assignment writing services will discuss the most effective tips to save the battery of your phone.

    Turn Off Background Apps:

    In smartphones, we have to keep lots of apps. Sometimes, after using the apps, we don’t properly close these apps and these apps run in the background. As a result, these apps consume battery. Therefore, the most important tip to save the battery of your phone is to close these apps properly. The best way to properly close these apps after using them is to swipe up these apps. You can also save the battery of your smartphone by turning off the ability of certain apps to consume power. In the Android 9 and higher, there are options for the adaptive battery feature. You can easily decrease the battery consumption of certain apps by using these options.

    Turn Off Location Services:

    Almost all smartphones have built-in GPS functions. These built-in GPS functions have lots of benefits like these built-in GPS systems tell us about the exact location, these GPS systems tell us the directions of the nearest coffee shop and these GPS systems also tell us how far we are from our destination. It is a fact that we don’t need these GPS systems all the time. Therefore, we should turn off the functions of these GPS systems and try to save the battery of our phones. Its reason is that if we turn off these GPS systems, these GPS systems will use antennas constantly in your smartphone. As a result, these GPS systems last extra burden on the battery of your smartphone.

    Disable The Most Power Using Apps:

    The social media apps like Snapchat, Facebook and WhatsApp and some news and weather alert apps are at the top of this list. There are also some apps which are updating you with constant information that you don’t need. These apps are draining the battery in the background. You can easily save the battery of your smartphone by disabling these apps. Anyhow, if you don’t want to disable social media apps like Facebook and Snapchat, you should log out from these apps after completing a session. If you don’t log out from these apps, these apps will send a notification to you. It means that these apps are using the functions of your phone. Moreover, you can also find out the most power using apps in the app’s settings. After finding these apps, you can disable some functions of these apps which are unnecessary to you and you can save the battery of your phone.

    Use Aeroplane Mode:

    If you are in the aeroplane or you are at a place where there is no coverage, you can easily save the battery of your phone by enabling the aeroplane mode. In the aeroplane, your phone doesn’t require to search for the functions. It means that some functions of your phone will be restricted. If you are using Bluetooth while driving a car, it is the best idea for you to use a Bluetooth device and turn on the Bluetooth of your phone. Anyhow, if you are not using Bluetooth while driving the car, you should turn off the Bluetooth. If you are using the internet on the mobile phone by turning on the mobile data, you should turn off the Wi-Fi. It can also save some amount of power on your phone.

    Turn Your Screen’s Brightness Down:

    The screen battery draw of your phone is very important because it consumes lots of power. That’s why android phone turns off quickly when they are not being used. You should try to keep the brightness of your phone as lower as you can. If you are watching a movie on your phone at night, the brightness of your phone doesn’t exceed from 10. Moreover, you should also try to keep the volume of your phone as lower as you can while listening to music.

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