
  • Cambridge
Healthera is a pharmacy app. You can order your prescriptions online with your local pharmacy. It is the best way to connect with your pharmacist.
  • A Pharmacy App
  • Cambridge
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Added on 22 January 2019
Clinical adherence is one of the biggest challenges faced by the pharmaceutical business. The World Health Organisation states that improvement would have a bigger impact on health than specific medical advances. It’s the weak link between supply, the pharmacist-patient relationship, and most importantly, patient health. Added to this, we recently reported medicine wastage estimates at £300 million per year; clinical adherence should be everyone’s priority.
healthera.co.uk Clinical adherence is one of the biggest challenges faced by the pharmaceutical business. The World Health Organisation states that improvement would have a big...

Added on 15 January 2019
Wastage is a problem that presents itself in a number of guises in the NHS, and one associated with high costs. One component of this is medicines wastage, caused by patient non-adherence, inappropriate repeat dispensing, and over ordering. This is reportedly costing healthcare £300 million every year.
healthera.co.uk Re-blogged from NHS Confederation. With estimates exceeding £300 million wasted every year in the NHS on unused or partially used medicine, Diar Fattah, associ...

Added on 13 December 2018
The Healthera pharmacy app is a patient initiated, and NHS accredited app which patients can download onto their mobile devices. This free app allows you to connect to your local pharmacy via a mobile device from the comfort of your own home.
Why Healthera is The Best Pharmacy App? – Healthera – Medium medium.com The Healthera pharmacy app is a patient initiated, and NHS accredited app which patients can download onto their mobile devices. This free…...

Added on 30 November 2018
healthera.co.uk “Healthera has developed a pharmacy app that enables patients to order prescriptions and get reminders for medication as well as to message their local ph...

Added on 15 October 2018
How Repeat Prescription Online Works ?
How Repeat Prescription Online Works ? healthera.tumblr.com Healthera’s NHS accredited patient app allows patients to order their NHS repeat prescriptions seamlessly through their mobile device or tablet quickly an...

Added on 10 October 2018
Visit our website download healthera app for free and order your medicine online from top pharmacists near you with zero waiting time. Setup your app in quick and simple steps. Download your online pharmacy app now and get your medicine in a more convenient way.

The Best Way to Get NHS Repeat Prescription - A Complete Guide healthera.co.uk Find the best tips to get NHS Prescription Online. What is the best way to get your NHS repeat prescription? Know the 'quick and easy' method of ordering a repe...

Added on 21 September 2018
Download the Healthera App and order your prescriptions online. You can order your NHS repeat prescriptions at anytime, from anywhere. Visit our website or download the app to get started.
NHS Repeat Prescription App | Order Repeat Prescription Online healthera.co.uk Order your NHS repeat prescriptions online. Free NHS Repeat Prescription App from Healthera...

Added on 18 September 2018
Using Healthera pharmacy app, you can easily find your nearest pharmacy. The patient needs to enter their postcode or use the intelligent map feature to simply discover their nearest Healthera pharmacy. Once you they connected, they can now discover all of the benefits the Healthera App has to offer.
Find Your Nearest Local Pharmacy with Healthera. Prem Pharmacy Brand healthera.co.uk Find the local pharmacy near you with Healthera app. Check out your nearest local pharmacy's services and offering...

Added on 18 September 2018
Added on 12 September 2018
Healthera is the best Medicine and Pharmacy App. You can order your nhs prescription online. You can download it easily. It is available for both Android and ios users. For more details. please feel free to visit our website.
Healthera: NHS Pharmacy & Medicine Reminder App healthera.co.uk Get the Healthera pharmacy app to order your prescriptions online with your pharmacy. You can message your pharmacist anytime, anywhere....