
Lmntrix Active Defense
Posted on 09 August 2022 at 01:28PM
The LMNTRIX Active Defense is a verified and integrated threat detection and response architecture that identifies and neutralizes sophisticated and unidentified threats that often evade perimeter defenses.

#lmntrix #xdr #mdr #cybersecurity

Lmntrix Active Defense
Posted on 04 August 2022 at 12:26PM
We are pleased to announce that LMNTRIX was awarded the ISO27001 certification.
The certification applies to the LMNTRIX Active Defense MDR and the LMNTRIX XDR platform across all five (5) LMNTRIX operations including US, Australia, UK, Singapore, and India as well as all AWS operations in the US, UK, Singapore, and India.

Lmntrix Active Defense
Posted on 28 July 2022 at 08:55AM
It typically takes 3 to 6 months to build, operationalize, and integrate a SIEM with your current security measures. Avoid being typical... When you choose LMNTRIX XDR, you can quickly deploy, operate, and begin hunting.


#lmntrix #cybersecurity #xdr #activedefense

Lmntrix Active Defense
Posted on 26 July 2022 at 11:16AM
The LMNTRIX XDR Technology creates a security defense system that is more adaptive and intelligent overall than any system by utilizing investigative, responsive, and predictive capabilities that integrate and share information.
#XDR #technology #cybersecurity #lmntrix #activedefense