
Vedanta Nahata
Posted on 20 June at 03:41PM
OpenAI Cofounder Ilya Sutskever Launches Safe Superintelligence Inc.

OpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever has started a new venture, Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), focusing on developing safe superintelligence. Joined by former Apple AI lead Daniel Gross and ex-OpenAI's Daniel Levy, SSI aims to avoid commercial pressures and focus solely on safety. #ai #superintelligence #safetech #startups #innovation
The man who dared to revolt against Sam Altman at OpenAI just started a research lab promoting 'safe superintelligence' businessinsider.com Former OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever initially pushed for Sam Altman's ouster in November before calling for his reinstatement.

Posted on 13 August 2022 at 07:17PM
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