
Cordlife Sciences India Pvt. Ltd
Posted on 25 June 2021 at 09:21AM
As a would-be-mummy, since the time of conception, you share a special relation with your baby snuggled inside your womb.

But, as a would-be-daddy, we know that you’re not a spectator merely. You are as emotionally involved with her happiness and pain, and, want to establish a beautiful bond with the unborn baby, just like her.

#fathersday #daddy #baby
Fathers' Day: About To Be Daddy? How To Bond With Your Unborn Baby? cordlifeindia.com Fathers' Day - we know that you’re not a spectator merely. You are as emotionally involved with her happiness and pain.

Creative Cakes
Posted on 19 June 2018 at 01:54PM