
Kratom Lords
Posted on 11 November 2022 at 01:06AM
Therapeutic potential and liability of the Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

Kratom, derived from the plant Mitragyna speciosa, is receiving increased attention as an alternative to traditional opiates and as a replacement therapy for opiate dependence.

The increasing use of kratom has emerged as a public health concern in the US.

#7hydroxymitragynine #addiction #mitragynine #opiate #reinforcement #selfadministration #kratom #mitragynespeciosa #kratomresearch #kratomstudy #whatiskratom #publichealth

Therapeutic potential and liability of the Kratom alkaloids kratomlords.com Abuse liability and therapeutic potential of the Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine

Kratom Lords
Posted on 26 October 2022 at 06:04AM
atai Life Sciences - Phase 1 trial of kratom-derived pharmaceutical

atai and Kures are poised to address two key factors underlying the opioid epidemic developing a potentially safer and more widely available alternative for both pain management and opioid maintenance therapy.

One of the leading therapeutic indicators of kratom is its analgesic effect. One study of Kratom users in Malaysia showed that 90% were using kratom as a substitute for opioids, with 84% reporting that kratom eased their opioid withdrawal symptoms.

atai Life Sciences - Phase 1 trial of kratom-derived pharmaceutical kratomlords.com A pharmaceutical from atai Life Sciences (ATAI) based on a component found in kratom led to pain-relieving effects in an early-stage trial.

Kratom Lords
Posted on 12 September 2022 at 01:59AM
The Antidepressant-Like and Analgesic Effects of Kratom

Kratom employed as a traditional medicine to improve mood and relieve pain, has shown increased use in Europe and North America. Here, the dose-dependent effects of a purified alkaloid kratom extract on neuronal oscillatory systems function, analgesia, and antidepressant-like behaviour were evaluated and kratom-induced changes in ΔFosB expression determined.

#kratom #Alkaloids #Analgesic #Antidepressant #KratomEffects #KratomResearch #kratomscience #KratomStudy #ΔFosB #kratomnews

The Antidepressant-Like and Analgesic Effects of Kratom kratomlords.com The Antidepressant-Like and Analgesic Effects of Kratom Alkaloids are accompanied by Changes in Low Frequency Oscillations

Kratom Lords
Posted on 10 September 2022 at 01:41AM
Does Kratom Case Weight Gain? - Kratom Effects

Some people have experienced different effects, including weight loss. However, there are also users who report that kratom may be making them gain weight. But, is this possible? Does kratom cause weight gain? We’ll explore this subject in this article.

#KratomWeightGain #KratomWeightloss #kratomlords #kratomeffects #kratomnews #kratomresearch #kratomstudy #alkaloids #mitragynine #7hydroxymitragynine #losewight #gainweight

Does Kratom Cause Weight Gain? - Kratom Effects - KRATOM LORDS kratomlords.com Most times kratom cause weight loss, some users report the opposite effect. Does kratom cause weight gain? We explore it in this article.