
  • Surrey, BC, Canada
Gurna Law Corporation is an esteemed name in the field of Canadian immigration and refugee law.
  • Surrey, BC, Canada
  • 200 – 7404 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3W 1N6
    Surrey, BC V3W 1N6, CANADA


Gurna Law Corporation is an esteemed name in the field of Canadian immigration and refugee law.


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Gurna Law Corporation is an esteemed name in the field of Canadian immigration and refugee law. At Gurna Law Corporation, under qualified barrister-level expertise, you can get lawyered up and avail yourself of the whole range of services to steer your application, be it first-time entry, study visa, work permit, permanent residency, an appeal or review by the Federal Court of Canada.

Marketplace Listings

Immigration Lawyer in Surrey

Looking for a top-rated immigration lawyer in Surrey? At gurnalaw, our experienced attorneys provide expert legal advice and personalized se...
4 weeks ago | 28 views
Looking for a top-rated immigration lawyer in Surrey? At gurnalaw, our experienced attorneys provide expert legal advice and personalized se...