High Fructose Rice syrup & HFCS-55 suppliers. Rice fructose syrup is manufactured by GPL from non-GMO rice using latest approach having long shelf life. Check features inside.
Read More: https://bit.ly/2PPWyHg
G -81, Preet Vihar, Delhi, 110092 Gurgaon, 110092, Get Directions
Are you interested in chemicals like Starch Sugars, Organic Sweeteners and Calcium Carbonate? Gulshan Polyols Ltd (GPL) is one of the largest manufacturers of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate and Sorbitol More
Maltodextrin is produced using basic raw materials such as Starch of Corn & Rice. Gulshan has set up its new facility at Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh for manufacturing Malto Dextrine.
Read More: https://bit.ly/2PXoWrg
Gulshan Polyols Ltd is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Sorbitol in India offering Sorbitol 70% which is a natural Sweetener, used as a low-calorie sweetener. Also used in cosmetic products,pharmaceuticals and many other areas. Read More: https://bit.ly/2Luh5C9
Gulshan Polyols Ltd produces Liquid Glucose which is used as a sweetener in confectionary, biscuits, ice creams, jellies, preserves pastries & liquors. All the facility are equipped with microbiology laboratory and follows strict quality control.
Precipitated Calcium carbonate is used in paper coating, rubber industries, for making tooth paste, paint industries, food industries etc. Packaging with high purity. Read More: https://bit.ly/2J5PQMT
Premium quality Activated Calcium Carbonate by Gulshan is very well known for the purity as well as the ease with which it can be used in multiple applications of Plastic industry, Pharmaceuticals, Rubber industry, Cosmetics, Paints, Printing ink, Sealants and mastics. Read More: https://bit.ly/2vMS3UF
Gulshan Polyols Ltd also produces Dextrose Monohydrate at Muzaffarnagar which is being appreciated in the market due to its high quality. This product is used widely in Food Industry due its enhanced shelf life. Read More: https://bit.ly/2N0E88p