When purchasing a car insurance policy, don’t rush to buy any cheap plan that offers bare-bones coverage. Inspecting your needs and driver profile, you may want to opt for a more comprehensive plan, such as Aviva’s Prestige Plan. It offers all-rounded protection for young drivers as well as coverage beyond Singapore for the driver, passengers, and the car.
There are also additional features that provide peace of mind, such as emergency roadside assistance, towing benefits, and new car replacement. This makes the plan suitable for families, young drivers, and the elderly.
When you are insuring a family car that is shared among different drivers, including young drivers, you need higher coverage. There tends to be additional excess imposed when the younger driver gets into an accident, usually between $500 and $2,500. This amount has to be paid upfront for repairs. This is because young drivers are deemed by insurance companies as high-risk. Additionally, premiums tend to be high for drivers who are younger than 25 years old or have less than 2 years of experience.
Offering peace of mind for families with young drivers, Aviva Prestige car insurance plan waives additional excess typically imposed on young and inexperienced drivers.
The plan is also great for families with young children, as it covers car seat theft or damage in an accident, up to $250.
Singaporeans love to drive up to Johor Bahru, Malacca, and Penang for leisure. If you like to do that too, don’t settle for any car insurance policy. Get better car insurance coverage that covers Singapore and beyond. Aviva’s Prestige Plan covers the use of your car in Singapore, West Malaysia, and Peninsula border, up to 80km from West Malaysia’s border.
It goes without saying that the plan should compensate for car theft or damage, as the risk is higher than in Singapore. Ensure there is sufficient coverage for loss or damage to your car, towing services, car theft, theft of personal belongings, medical expenses, and also personal accidents.
Aviva’s Motor Prestige Plan offers unlimited towing in Singapore and Malaysia, coverage for damage to third party’s property, up to $5 million for damage, and up to $5,000 for medical expenses of driver and passengers.
Importantly, you should also choose a plan that allows you to go for repairs at any workshop, rather than only authorized workshops. Aviva’s Prestige Plan allows you the flexibility to choose your own preferred workshop.
The Prestige plan also offers no excess and no limit for windscreen cover. Depending on the car model, replacing a cracked windscreen can easily cost $500 and above. If you are insured by Aviva Motor Prestige Plan, you need not worry about the cost as there is unlimited windscreen replacement coverage allowed at approved repair shops.
Best-in-class car insurance policies offer comprehensive roadside assistance, where, if you meet with an accident, you can call to get roadside assistance. Aviva’s Motor Prestige Plan offers the “eCall” service, which automatically provides rapid assistance in case of any car accident at any hour of the day. It also promises a ride home for the driver and passengers after an accident. In addition, Aviva Motor Prestige Plan provides a daily transport allowance of $80, up to a maximum of 10 days during the period of repairs.
Find out more about Aviva Car Insurance
If you are insuring a new car and you encounter an accident that requires repair costs worth more than 70% of the car’s market value, Aviva will replace a brand new car provided that the accident happened within the stipulated time frame of 24 months.
After an accident, drivers would understand the hesitation of making a claim because they are afraid that it will cause them to lose the no-claim discount and drive up premiums. In this regard, Aviva’s Motor Prestige Plan has the lowest NCD penalty of 10% upon claims, while other insurers typically issue a penalty of 30%. If the accident is not your fault, there is also no upfront excess payment required.
The plan also includes personal accident cover that insures up to $100,000 for the death of the driver and/or any passengers. You may also choose additional coverage that compensates for accidental injury to you or any passengers in your car.
Comprehensive plans like the Aviva Motor Prestige usually cost more, but unquestionably provide more reassurance during times of need. With the help of promotions, you can secure the plan at higher discounts. MINDEF/MHA and POGIS members get to enjoy a 15% discount.
This article was first published on GoBear Singapore blog.