GE3S is a leading provider of Waste Management Consultancy Service in UAE. Waste Management that involves converting waste and other used materials into reusable products. Recycling helps to reduce energy usage, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce air pollution and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal and also reduces greenhouse gases emissions.
GE3S has experience green building consultant who has worked on several green building projects in UAE. Green building is a structure that is designed, built, renovated, operated or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner.
We provide Sustainability Consultancy # Dubai # Abu Dhabi. GE3S offers extensive expertise to its clients to integrate and balance the three important pillars of Sustainability. By using the GRI Guidelines, we help organizations to analyze and disclose their most critical impacts – whether positive or negative – on the environment, society and the economy. Based on its vast experience, GE3S helps organizations generate reliable, relevant and standardized information which helps them to assess opportunities and risks, and enable these organizations for more informed decision-making, both within the business and among its stakeholders.
GE3S is the best Sustainability Reporting Consultant in UAE. Sustainability reporting is an important factor to improve a company's green initiatives and its relationship with investors and clients, in line with stakeholders' demand for transparency and accountability.
GE3S’s energy auditors in Dubai who helps in energy cost optimization, pollution control, safety aspects and suggests the methods to improve the operating & maintenance practices of the system.