GE3S is the best Environmental Consultancy #Dubai#Abu Dhabi. With the support of its dedicated professionals, Ge3s is able to provide value-oriented solutions to the diverse environmental issues, which include residential, commercials, and industrial etc.
GE3S is well-known Green Building Consulting Company and have worked on several projects regarding Green Building service across UAE. Green Building is a practice of reducing the environmental impact of buildings and enhancing the health and well-being of building occupants by Planning throughout the life-cycle of a building or a community, from master planning and siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition with a focus on the impact to both the environment and people.
GE3S specializes in Energy Audit Service. Our Certified energy auditor in Abu Dhabi who evaluates and analyzes how energy is being used in a facility, identifies energy conservation opportunities and makes recommendations where consumption can be reduced or optimized.
GE3S specializes in Estidama Consultancy Service. Estidama promotes a new mindset for the construction industry with a view to establishing a distinctive framework for measuring sustainability performances beyond the usual planning and construction phases. Estidama is a holistic framework to assure that sustainability is continually addressed through four key pillars: environmental, economic, social and cultural.
GE3S is a leading Sustainability Reporting Consultant in UAE. Sustainability reporting enables organizations to consider their impacts on a wide range of sustainability issues, enabling them to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities they face.