
    As Green Building Consultancy GE3S helps in design ,construction or operation of green building ,which reduces or eliminates negative impacts
    • Green Building Consultancy


    As Green Building Consultancy GE3S helps in design ,construction or operation of green building ,which reduces or eliminates negative impacts
    • Green Building Consultancy
    As Green Building Consultancy GE3S helps in design ,construction or operation of green building ,which reduces or eliminates negative impacts
    • Green Building Consultancy
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    Added on 29 August 2018
    Estidama Consultant

    "As an Estidama Consultant, GE3S provides Estidama Services. Estidama is an aspiration - a manifestation of visionary governance that puts emphasis on carefully and responsibly managed development. The ultimate goal of Estidama is to preserve and enrich Abu Dhabi's physical and cultural identity while creating an ever improved quality of life for its residents.

    The Pearl Rating System (PRS) is a framework for sustainable design, construction, and operation of communities, buildings, and villas. The PRS is unique in the world as it is specifically tailored to the hot climate and arid environment of Abu Dhabi. The PRS supports the social and cultural traditions and values of Abu Dhabi. It is part of the Estidama program, a government-wide collaborative initiative to improve the lives of all citizens living in the Emirate. The PRS requires accountability of the operational phase of a development to verify performance."



    http://www.ge3s.org/ More
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