We provide Sustainability Consultancy # Dubai # Abu Dhabi. GE3S offers extensive expertise to its clients to integrate and balance the three important pillars of Sustainability. By using the GRI Guidelines, we help organizations to analyze and disclose their most critical impacts – whether positive or negative – on the environment, society and the economy. Based on its vast experience, GE3S helps organizations generate reliable, relevant and standardized information which helps them to assess opportunities and risks, and enable these organizations for more informed decision-making, both within the business and among its stakeholders.
GE3S specializes in Environmental Consultancy #Dubai#Abu Dhabi. We providing solutions in compliance with local and regional government regulatory authorities. Our expert teams specialize in preparing EIA reports, EIA summary reports, Energy Audits, Sustainability and Green Building Design, Energy Management, waste management and building commissioning services.
Asbestos survey is required for buildings where there are chances of asbestos being used and are being demolished now. GE3S provides Abestos survey services across UAE.
GE3S is a leading Waste Management Consultant. Waste management is a collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other waste products.