
  • 228 Watchung Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052 New Jersey (NJ)
FixIce.com specializes in ice machine, soft serve ice cream machine and frozen beverage repairs in the NY/NJ Tri-State area.
  • FixIce/Repair
  • 228 Watchung Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052 New Jersey (NJ)


FixIce.com specializes in ice machine, soft serve ice cream machine and frozen beverage repairs in the NY/NJ Tri-State area.
  • FixIce/Repair
  • 228 Watchung Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052 New Jersey (NJ)
FixIce.com specializes in ice machine, soft serve ice cream machine and frozen beverage repairs in the NY/NJ Tri-State area.
  • FixIce/Repair
  • 228 Watchung Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052 New Jersey (NJ)
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Added on 22 October 2018
fixice.com offers a great range of services which include installation, repair and maintenance for ice machines and other refrigeration equipment be it soft serve ice cream machines, yogurt machines or any other commercial machine. Trust us with accessories like pumps, cleaners, sanitizers, cartridges, filters etc.

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FixIce.com specializes in the ice machine, soft serve ice cream machine and frozen beverage repairs in the NY/NJ Tri-State area. We handle all brands of ice machines and soft serve ice cream machines. More
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