Fix Contractors

Fix Contractors is a leading remodelling and building maintenance company which serves Baltimore, Maryland and Washington DC areas.
Fix Contractors is a leading remodelling and building maintenance company which serves Baltimore, Maryland and Washington DC areas.
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  • 24 Crain Hwy S, Glen Burnie, MD 821061, UNITED STATES


Fix Contractors is a leading remodelling and building maintenance company which serves Baltimore, Maryland and Washington DC areas.


Residential Renovation Services
full gut renovation
custom home additions
custom decks
Basement remodelling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Commercial Construction


The company offers a wide range of design, renovation and building maintenance services. Residential renovation, commercial construction, janitorial, bathroom remodel, kitchen remodel, basement remodel, custom decks, home addition and full gut renovation are the various services provided by Fix Contractors. It also provides designing and engineering services as well as obtains permits and inspections for construction projects for ensuring construction is done in properly and as per the established state and federal laws. Its superior quality, efficient and low cost renovation services help to enhance the value of property of home and business owners.
Website Trust Checkerfixcontractors.com

Trust Score

0 / 100
