First Element

  • 53 Cromwell St Collingwood VIC 3066 Victoria, Australia
  • 53 Cromwell St Collingwood VIC 3066 Victoria, Australia
Added on 14 October 2022
For your home, new timber flooring in Melbourne? You've arrived at the right place. We are really proud of the sustainability and authenticity of our products. All of our products come from sustainably managed and certified plantations. For high-quality timber flooring supplies in Melbourne, get in touch with our experts right away. To know more details, contact First Element now!

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πŸ‘‰ https://firstelement.com.au/


First Element is a leading premium engineered wood oak flooring, hardwood timber flooring, and European oak supplier and installer in Australia. We have an extensive range of solid oak, whitewashed and More
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