For over a decade, Expenzing has been working with various vendors in digitally transforming spend management practices. Expenzing's Procure to Pay Software is the solution if you want concrete savings More
Expenzing is an Expense Management Software which offers an end-to-end suite of software for strategic sourcing, procurement, budget control, travel expense & accounts payable helping organisations digitally transform the finance function. We service customers globally through tested digital delivery and deployment systems.
The Expenzing Vendor Portal is a digital workspace for suppliers to view all the information they need during execution of a contract, submit invoices, and track payment status. It works alongside your legacy ERP to lubricate interactions, speed up processes, and minimize paperwork and in the process, minimize errors.
Are you crushed by the tricky handling of employee expenses?
Expense Management Software from Expenzing has the perfect solution for your business!
Automate the entire expense lifecycle with a faster and accurate solution. Here is what you get-
Create & Submit expense reports anywhere-anytime
Digital wallet to record your receipts
Access to global currencies for versatility
Quick click approval and disapproval on reimbursement reports
Notifications to remind managers of the expense requests
Did you know?
47% of enterprises have shifted to a dedicated expense software!
Do you interpret why?
πThe traditional approach to T&E is prone to errors on the report, such as incorrect codes or amount
πIt is time-consuming
πCauses delay in report submission
How Strategic Spend Management Drives your Business for Better Value and Low Financial Risk?
β Streamlines Sourcing Process & Standardises it for Higher value
β Offers complete control of Sourcing Lifecycle
β Enriches Procurement for Supplier Management
β Manages Supplier Contract to offer maximum value
β Creates a Marketplace for Staff to communicate and buy from Approved Suppliers
β Transparency in Purchase-to-Pay
β Automates Accounts Payable for Accuracy validation