anurag breja

    Added on 02 June 2020


    02 June 2020

    Source:  how do i create a crossword puzzle

    For many, trying an online crossword is a daily ritual. Some try them in the morning with a cup of coffee while others do while they commute.

    Crossword puzzles are the best way to escape the stress and anxiety that we all experience in life. Crossword keeps the brain active while improving cognitive ability.

    Do you know that free crossword puzzles are also loved by celebrities? Yes. Jon Stewart, Bill Clinton, Yo-Yo Ma, Bill Gates, Martha Stewart, and Nancy Pelosi are crossword fans.

    When the matches get delayed or postponed, tennis player Lindsay Davenport tries the online word game.

    There are many who have been spotted working on the online puzzles. A few individuals solve the clues of the crossword aspirationally as they want people to perceive them as nerds.

    Hey, that’s not right. Anyone can work on a crossword and solve it. 

    A crossword is a reflection of everything happening around. 

    What is the History of Crossword?

    The first published crossword was created by journalist Arthur Wynne from Liverpool on December 21, 1913.

    Yes, its more than 100 years ago. The newspaper was-“The New York World”. The first puzzle was in the shape of a diamond and didn’t have any black squares.

    This turned out to be an overnight success. Since then, crosswords are being created and the trend is in full bloom even today.

    But has it ever come to your mind, how is the crossword constructed?

    What do you call someone who makes crossword puzzles? Yes, you are absolutely correct, a Crossword constructor.

    Are you a crossword enthusiast who has just started making new puzzles? If yes, you must be looking for a free crossword puzzle maker.

    Crossword construction takes a lot of effort, efficiency, and smartness.

    Let’s start with how can I make a crossword puzzle? You have to follow the below-mentioned things:

    Let’s Start!

    Before we start to tell you how to create a crossword, you have to make your mindset.

    Didn’t understand? Let me explain.

    The Mindset

    Wondering, how to make a crossword puzzle?

    One thing you should always remember-puzzle making is tricky. Creating an interacting puzzle is more challenging than solving one.

    It takes an experienced puzzle creator 3-9 hours to make a standard 15X15 puzzle. And for beginners, even a crossword puzzle template can take more than that.

    So we are about to start with a crossword puzzle generator. Don’t expect that you will finish making the puzzle in a single sitting. Relax. We are there to help. I hope you will have fun.

    This A to Z crossword puzzle maker will help you a lot as it acts as a comprehensive guide.

    Grab a steaming hot cup of tea or coffee and start enjoying the puzzle making the journey.

    1) The Right Technology

    https://www.wealthwords.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Online-Crossword-Puzzle-Helped-Me-Combat-Severe-Depression-17-min-300x122.png 300w, https://www.wealthwords.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Online-Crossword-Puzzle-Helped-Me-Combat-Severe-Depression-17-min-768x312.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px">

    First things first.

    Before you start, you should know what software to use to make a crossword puzzle?

    Otherwise, the complete process will be unending. So download any software like Crossword Compiler or Crossfire or any program that you like.

    When we use this software for making crossword puzzle, everything becomes easy.

    2) Deciding the Theme

    https://www.wealthwords.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/6-2-300x100.png 300w, https://www.wealthwords.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/6-2-768x256.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px">

    When someone tells us that they are cool crossword puzzle makers, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

    The first question asked is, “Which do you write first, the clues or the grid?”

    Neither. The first and foremost is to decide the theme of the puzzle.

    The crossword puzzle’s theme is a unifying motif among certain answers in the grid.

    And usually, the ones that are longest. Crossword themes range from vaguely comprehensible to hellishly complex.

    The most important element of any ideal crossword is its theme. What do you think? Isn’t it an easy way to make crossword puzzles?

    The crossword theme has 5-10 answers that are related in some way or the other.

    For example, at times, the theme will feature answers that have a pun on them.

    Or sometimes the theme consists of a bunch of similar things like phrases that begin with the same letter ‘A’ or things that scare people. In short, a theme can be anything.

    Theme Entries

    Ever thought how to make a crossword puzzle with vocabulary words?  Hey, everything is possible and it’s too much fun.

    When you make your own crossword puzzle with the answer key, you must have observed that many online crossword puzzles or newspaper crosswords have themes.

    For example, the theme answers could be related to a particular person, a novel written by a single author, a particular type of pun or wordplay, or some other conceit. 

    However, there is fairly wide latitude as to theme choice, but some general guidelines apply off course.  


    More challenging puzzles are less likely to have a theme. Although they will usually contain at least as many long words.

    You can make changes to the crossword puzzle but can’t change the theme as the complete puzzle will change.

    Make it Symmetrical

    You must be thinking about how to make crossword puzzles like NYTimes? Well, perfection comes from following the basic rules.

    In the standard puzzle grid 15×15 squared on Monday-Saturday, 21×21 on Sunday, puzzles have to be symmetrical all the time. This means all the entries should be of the corresponding length.

    It is important that the white squares in the grid are connected to each other.

    This means in an online crossword puzzle maker, getting the answer in one corner of the grid will help the crossword solver crack the answer in the other corner. 

    Ideally, what makes a good crossword puzzle is the symmetry. There is no section in the grid that is only connected with the rest of the board by a single word. Although, this is not a mandatory rule.

    Don’t Repeat Words

    Want to make changes to the crossword puzzle? We will help you with that as well.

    One of the best things about crosswords is that they don’t repeat the same exact words over and over again. This is pretty unique, isn’t it?

    This is so obvious that the same word can’t be an answer to two separate clues. This rule also applies to the components of compound words and multi-word answers. 

    So when you are constructing an online crossword, make sure you use original words. If you repeat words that your puzzle won’t get published anywhere.

    For example, there can’t be one answer COW MILK and another be CASH COW.  You could, however, have an answer COWPER as the words are etymologically different.

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