Visit Your Everyday Heroes to be inspired by untold everyday heroes stories from around the world. Enjoy watching as these videos and inspiring stories entertain you! More
What Makes Yecson Preciado An Everyday Hero? Check out his inspiring spar boxing story! Despite his struggles, Yecson put others’ needs before his daily. In 2014, he opened a gym for teen boxing classes and dedicated his life to teaching local children how to box, which can be a direct ticket to a better life in the impoverished country.
Ali Imran Ch is one of the famous Filmmakers in Pakistan. He is on a mission. He says, “If my videos bring positivity into anyone’s life, that will mean I am successful in achieving my goal.” He shot and directed the inspiring YEDH documentary on Umar Mughal, a graphic designer living with osteogenesis imperfect.
According to Umar, the best gift you can give to a disabled man is self-dependency, so he will consider it a success if he is able to do this. Umar is very motivated, and he believes that even his financial issues won't stop him from helping people and building them a home.
Even Chicago's local government has "woken up" because of Reed. Check out the story of Damon Lamar Reed; the city recently gave him the grant to fund future "Downtown Chicago Murals," including QR codes that link viewers to details regarding the missing people being portrayed.