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    Added on 07 August 2019

    The Most Effective Method to Fix Your Laptop

    07 August 2019

    1. Virus Infestation

    Start your virus scanning software and start the deepest and most thorough scan, then leave it there. The most comprehensive type of scan (which looks for the most files and the longest time to complete) may not be the scan the computer is configured to run by default. You can also catch the latest wave of bad code by making sure that it is completely updated before running the scan.

    Antivirus scanners are worthy of getting a second opinion, as they may miss or disable threats. Many anti-virus developers have created a lightweight on-demand scanner that can be installed with the main security software as a second layer of protection.

    2. Update Your Software

    Many computer or laptop problems, from ransomware outbreaks to glitch keyboards that refuse to spit out the right letters when you tap on them, are outdated and by unmatched software, it is caused. Luckily, many updates are now applied automatically. Because they are so important. In the Windows-focused operating system, you can click on settings and then click to look for updates. On Mac OS, launch the App Store from the Dock or Finder's Applications screen and switch to the Updates tab. be sure to apply the update.

    It is important to check for updates on other applications, such as web browsers and anti-virus programs. The update feature should be quite noticeable in any app, but if you get stuck, please refer to the built-in help. After applying all the updates you can find, it's an overkill technique to prevent the future. Make sure you are running on your computer, and you should run into several computer problems as a result.

    3. Reinstall the Operating System

    Reinstalling Windows or Mac-OS and starting over is the more extreme version of the "extreme problem solved" solution described above. It wipes out nasty programs, erases many viruses and malware types, resets Internet connection settings, and generally gives you a blank slate to start over. Before starting the reinstallation process, make sure that all data has been backed up.

    What makes this worth trying is that Microsoft and Apple have made reinstalling their operating systems so straightforward now. On Windows, you can head to Update & security from Settings and then choose Reset this PC to get started, whereas on macOS you need to hold down Cmd+R as you press the power button to turn on your Mac to launch the utility program.

    4. Restart Your Laptop

    Many technical problems can be solved by restarting, so it is safe to restart your computer. It may be sufficient to correct the laptop touch screen not working. After rebooting, try the laptop touch screen to see if it works.

    5. Update Your Drivers

    Some new drivers bring new life to your hardware and can fix any problems it may have. Check the manufacturer's website to make sure the driver is up-to-date.

    6. Upgrade Your Ram

    You need at least 8GB of RAM. Nowadays, more manufacturers are soldering it to the motherboard and making it impossible to add it, so your best bet is to buy your laptop with so much memory. The number of laptops can still open them, and RAM is relatively cheap. If you have 4GB, then upgrade to 8GB as additional memory will cost you less than $ 25. Currently, few people need 16GB of RAM.

    These Six tips cannot promise to solve all the problems you have, but allow you to eliminate some basic possibilities, at least as far as the root because is concerned.

    Esanyog Laptop Repairing Service center in, Pune - Our service center is a Pune wide Service Center for the laptop screen repair, laptop battery repair, and laptop motherboard repair. Our engineers repair all Toshiba, IBM, Lenovo, Sony, HP, Compaq, and Dell, Apple Notebooks as well as other brands.

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