Equitymatch.co - Where Startups and Investors Meetequitymatch.co
Startups Listed you will find all the startups we are supporting. In case of interest please let us know and we will introduce you to their founders. Email us at contact@equitymatch.co Investors Listed you will find the most active investors in the UK, Europe, US, Israel, Asia, Globally. Please feel free to contact them directly using […] .... read more
FinTech/Crypto Panel Discussion-Venture Capital, Business Angels & Startups
Discussion with Investors and Industry Experts on the adoption of blockchain & crypto in the Fin sector and the future of Decentralized Finance.
How are Startups embracing sustainable businesses?
Every year, governments in many nations become increasingly ambitious in their efforts to address various global challenges. As a result, countries are increasingly establishing more stringent startup goals in order to decrease the harmful impact on the world during the next decade.
Why building a sustainable startup will give a good overall payoff?
Sustainability - a phrase we use to characterize business initiatives, products, and practices centered on environmental and social concerns - is frequently regarded as a high-end investment or a public-relations tool.
"It is our great pleasure in announcing the launch of article series written around ""The Investor Talk"", interviews with the best investors around the globe.
We invite all the budding founders to get inspired by reading about the basics of the VC industry & the way a mind of an investor works in decision making. ...