Equipment Rentals India

    Equipment Rentals India (ERI) is an endeavor towards meeting one of the basic needs of construction and mining industry.
    • Rent, Sale and purchase of used construction equipment
    Equipment Rentals India
    Liked On 12 April 2018
    Equipment Rentals India (ERI) https://www.equipmentrentalsindia.com/ is an endeavor towards meeting one of the basic needs of construction and mining industry i.e. making the equipment purchase / sale and rentals simpler, transparent and cost effective .Its an initiative by a dynamic and experienced team which feels that the technology can bring together set of people with complimenting needs on one single platform .

    ERI is an technology enabled syndicator of equipment and an aggregator of sellers and lessors of equipment on

    Website Trust CheckerNetaji subhash palace

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    Equipment Rentals India (ERI) is an endeavor towards meeting one of the basic needs of construction and mining industry i.e. making the equipment purchase / sale and rentals simpler, transparent and cost More