Velocity Ammunition Sales, LLC

  • 4130 Lafayette Blvd.Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Velocity Ammo is based in Fredericksburg Virginia. We have a bricks and mortar store, warehouse and shipping facility just minutes from Historic downtown
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  • 4130 Lafayette Blvd.Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Velocity Ammunition Sales, LLC

Velocity Ammo is based in Fredericksburg Virginia. We have a bricks and mortar store, warehouse and shipping facility just minutes from Historic downtown
  • Bussiness
  • 4130 Lafayette Blvd.Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Velocity Ammo is based in Fredericksburg Virginia. We have a bricks and mortar store, warehouse and shipping facility just minutes from Historic downtown
  • Bussiness
  • 4130 Lafayette Blvd.Fredericksburg, VA 22408
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Added on 19 December 2019

Why You Should Choose 308 Ammo Over Any Other Firearm?

19 December 2019

Either on the shelf in its .308 Winchester flavor, or the 7.62x51mm version, this cartridge is being used since the 1950's and it has cut out an enduring reputation with shooters, target hunters, the military, and law enforcement.

This incredible little cartridge still provides with the equivalent astounding ballistics, is as yet available less expensive and more promptly than some other round in its class.

What Makes the .308 So Great?

As a matter of first importance, the Best 308 Ammo is very famous due to its popularity. The .308 beast is a kind of self-supporting now. It's available wherever on the grounds that everybody utilizes it, and so it’s available everywhere.

You can discover it at anyplace where firearms as well as and sporting goods are sold, from your nearby shop to outdoor supplies stores and outfitters in any nation that permits hunting with centerfire rifles, and that degree of accessibility has guaranteed that the round has remained famous ever since it was embraced by different militaries as a service cartridge consequently the 7.62x51mm NATO designation.

This fame implies that .308 rifles are likely the third most common available after .22LR and 5.56 alternatives, and insofar as individuals continue needing them, producers are glad to produce them by the thousands.

Second, there’s the flexibility of the round. 

It was initially selected as a service cartridge since it exceeds expectations at average combat ranges (inside 500 yards), holds a lot of energy to the targetthanks to the bigger bullets that are feasible thanks to the .30 cal chambering, lastly, it's generally light recoil that makes it highly shootable cartridge.

If you would prefer not to get into all that reloading/handloading stuff, regardless you have huge amounts of alternatives for great factory ammunition. If you think that 308 Rifle Ammo is the one that meets your hunting needs, then opt for itright way.

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