Elastic Email

    The Elastic Email team brings expertise across technology, product, engineering, marketing and customer support just to create tools built by people for people.
    The Elastic Email team brings expertise across technology, product, engineering, marketing and customer support just to create tools built by people for people.


    The Elastic Email team brings expertise across technology, product, engineering, marketing and customer support just to create tools built by people for people.


    best email marketing tool
    email marketing tool
    email marketing


    Elastic Email is an amazing email marketing platform, built on the most cost-effective email API. With an SMTP Relay, robust HTTP API, intuitive user interface. With an SMTP Relay, robust HTTP API, intuitive user interface, 24/7 global support, and pricing designed with small businesses in mind, Elastic Email encourages and supports tens of thousands of companies around the world in creating and sending email campaigns.
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