Durga Puja is the biggest festival of West Bengal. Find some Durga Puja Greetings, SMS Messages, Graphics, Images and Pictures to share on Facebook, Whatsapp.
Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Images for Facebook, Whatsapp
The Devi, is the one supreme Goddess and also the many goddesses, manifests the asuras of our inner pride which leads to self destruction, of excessive tamas and rajas, thus the myth is an symbolic state within our own consciousness, to the transformation of human consciousness. These nine forms of Maa Durga will drag you to the amazing world of the heaven, and make you realist about the true power of a women..
Choicest wishes are sent to my loved ones,
On this special day of Durga Puja;
May Maa Durga illuminate your life
With her blessings and bliss;
May she forever guide your path
Leading to success and glory.