Durga Puja is the biggest festival of West Bengal. Find some Durga Puja Greetings, SMS Messages, Graphics, Images and Pictures to share on Facebook, Whatsapp.
Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Images for Facebook, Whatsapp
Durga is the other half of Shiva; he is the form, she is the expression. Shakti (Durga) is considered to be the mother of the
universe, while Purusha (Shiva) is the father. This illuminate us that no women is apart from the men and all are equal in all aspects.
Every year her presence is felt in the earth… She prevails to bring the good and destroy the evil in our soul. Its time to purify our soul and enlighten in true spirit….Its time for Home Coming. Puja means a lot to us specially in heart of bengali her own Uma is in earth to give a life in the hearts of common people. Its time to enrich ourself in new dimension. Its time to worship her all The nine avatars that is personified...