Durga Puja is the biggest festival of West Bengal. Find some Durga Puja Greetings, SMS Messages, Graphics, Images and Pictures to share on Facebook, Whatsapp.
Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Images for Facebook, Whatsapp
The mesmerizing pandal theme of Bahubali was all set to drag your attention this puja. The crowd has shown up with excellent reviews. The best was the design that created an illusion for everyone.
As you walk down the street of Kumortuli, it's rather natural to feel that if Kolkata has a soul, it probably lies here. This place is famous as a sculpting hot-spot which not only manufactures clay idols for various festivals but also regularly exports them.
Nothing can compare Durga Puja in Kolkata, The city is in great eager enjoyment and awake the whole night to celebrate Durga Puja. There is a great level of enthusiasm which starts before one month of puja. A huge crowd of visitors travels just for pandal hopping in Kolkata as its the best thing this city always have.