Dr. Abdulla Orange County TMJ Pain Relief Expert

  • 24953 Paseo De Valencia #26B Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Dr. Angham (Ann) Abdulla is a dentist in Orange County with advanced training in TMJ disorders and pain relief.
  • TMJ Disorder/TMD diagnosis and pain relief
  • 24953 Paseo De Valencia #26B Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Dr. Abdulla Orange County TMJ Pain Relief Expert

Dr. Angham (Ann) Abdulla is a dentist in Orange County with advanced training in TMJ disorders and pain relief.
  • TMJ Disorder/TMD diagnosis and pain relief
  • 24953 Paseo De Valencia #26B Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Dr. Angham (Ann) Abdulla is a dentist in Orange County with advanced training in TMJ disorders and pain relief.
  • TMJ Disorder/TMD diagnosis and pain relief
  • 24953 Paseo De Valencia #26B Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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Dr. Angham (Ann) Abdulla is a dentist in Orange County with advanced training in TMJ disorders and pain relief. She can accurately diagnosis the source of your TMJ pain and determine the best way to address it using non-surgical, holistic treatments. Our treatments are highly effective at relieving TMD associated pain, often providing complete relief after 5-8 weeks. Call today for a free consultation.

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Dr. Angham (Ann) Abdulla provides effective and affordable treatments for those in Orange County suffering from jaw pain caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders or TMD. Unlike many other general More


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