Dr. Shawn Blick

    Dr. Blick is a urology specialist and he offers penile implant surgery in Phoenix, AZ. To book an initial appointment, call at (602) 483-4421.
    • Urology Specialist in Phoenix, AZ
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    Dr. Blick is an outstanding Urologist with top- notch training and expertise in treating and managing men’s health problems with particular interest in Erectile Dysfunction. With over 15 years practicing More
    Added on 03 November 2018
    Low serum testosterone, also known as hypogonadism (HG) or andropause, is a condition that affects roughly 40% over the age of 45. https://www.doctorblick.com/copy-of-erectile-dysfunction-ed
    Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoenix, AZ - Dr. Blick | Low Serum Testosterone doctorblick.com Want to regain a healthy sex life? Don't let Erectile Dysfunction (ED) get in the way. Call Urology specialist for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Phoenix, AZ...

    Added on 03 November 2018
    The urologists at the ED Specialists of Arizona have offered urology services to men suffering from Peyronie’s Disease for over 15 years. Peyronie’s disease stems from fibrous scar tissue that has developed within the penis. https://www.doctorblick.com/copy-of-low-serum-testosterone
    Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoenix, AZ - Dr. Blick | Peyronie's Disease doctorblick.com Want to regain a healthy sex life? Don't let Erectile Dysfunction (ED) get in the way. Call Urology specialist for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Phoenix, AZ...

    Added on 19 October 2018
    The urologists at the ED Specialists of Arizona have helped men cope with the effects of premature ejaculation (PE) and improve their sexual health with an array of urology services for over 15 years. https://www.doctorblick.com/copy-of-peyronie-s-disease
    Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoenix, AZ - Dr. Blick | Premature Ejaculation doctorblick.com Want to regain a healthy sex life? Don't let Erectile Dysfunction (ED) get in the way. Call Urology specialist for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Phoenix, AZ...

    Added on 19 October 2018
    Dr. Blick offers a State of the Art Service, with Compassion and Sensitivity. https://www.doctorblick.com/male-concierge

    Added on 14 October 2018
    The Categories and Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
    Today we will explore the different categories of Erectile Dysfunction and what their causes might be. Depending on the origin of each case of ED, whether medical or psychological, there are different methods of analysis and treatment. On one hand, there is a 10-20% chance that a case of Erectile Dysfunction is caused by psychological factors. https://www.doctorblick.com/single-post/2017/04/20/The-Categories-and-Causes-of-Erectile-Dysfunction
    The Categories and Causes of Erectile Dysfunction | Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoenix... doctorblick.com Today we will explore the different categories of Erectile Dysfunction and what their causes might be.  Depending on the origin of each case of ED, whethe...

    Added on 14 October 2018
    What is Erectile Dysfunction and who does it effect?
    It is my hope that by bringing the topic of Erectile Dysfunction into the light, we can start to develop an open dialogue about this debilitating condition that so many men struggle with today. https://www.doctorblick.com/single-post/2017/04/04/What-is-Erectile-Dysfunction-and-who-does-it-effect
    What is Erectile Dysfunction and who does it effect? | Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoe... doctorblick.com It is my hope that by bringing the topic of Erectile Dysfunction into the light, we can start to develop an open dialogue about this debilitating condition tha...

    Added on 05 October 2018
    The Categories and Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
    Today we will explore the different categories of Erectile Dysfunction and what their causes might be. Depending on the origin of each case of ED, whether medical or psychological, there are different methods of analysis and treatment. https://www.doctorblick.com/single-post/2017/04/20/The-Categories-and-Causes-of-Erectile-Dysfunction
    The Categories and Causes of Erectile Dysfunction | Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoenix... doctorblick.com Today we will explore the different categories of Erectile Dysfunction and what their causes might be.  Depending on the origin of each case of ED, whethe...

    Added on 05 October 2018
    What is Erectile Dysfunction and who does it effect?
    It is my hope that by bringing the topic of Erectile Dysfunction into the light, we can start to develop an open dialogue about this debilitating condition that so many men struggle with today. https://www.doctorblick.com/single-post/2017/04/04/What-is-Erectile-Dysfunction-and-who-does-it-effect
    What is Erectile Dysfunction and who does it effect? | Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Specialists in Phoe... doctorblick.com It is my hope that by bringing the topic of Erectile Dysfunction into the light, we can start to develop an open dialogue about this debilitating condition tha...

    Added on 08 August 2018
    Urology Specialist for Phoenix Patients

    We are a clinic that specializes in men’s' urology issues. With plenty of experience in treating a number of different conditions that affect the male urology system, we offer a selection of pioneering procedures that can really make a difference. learn more here https://www.doctorblick.com/urology-specialist-phoenix-az

    Added on 08 August 2018