Grand-parentage DNA tests can be used to establish a biological relationship between an individual and one or more of their alleged grandparents.
One of the main reasons why this grandparent test is performed is when a child’s alleged father is unavailable for paternity testing and the child’s grandparents want to know whether the child is truly related to them.
Grand-parentage DNA test results can be used for the same reasons as the paternity test:
In a Grand-parentage test, a DNA profile for each individual taking part in the test is produced. Since a child inherits half of his or her genetic profile from each biological parent, when one or more of a child’s parents is unavailable for testing, we can look to the grandparents to determine if they contributed DNA to the child’s genetic profile.
Grand-parentage DNA testing is not as conclusive as paternity or maternity analysis and should only be used when it is not possible to perform these other types of testing.