DigiNerve is an EdTech initiative by Jaypee Brothers, a pioneer and market leader in health science publishing with a legacy spanning over 5 decades. It aims to provide high quality content to improve More
Last-minute Do’s and Don’ts for NEET PG Entrance Exam Preparation
As August 1st, the 2021 date of the NEET exam approaches, here are a few things that students should keep in mind to soothe tension, revise efficiently, and avoid unnecessary panic. Listed below are some do’s during the NEET PG entrance exam preparation, as well as few things to avoid. Following these will not only help you understand how to prepare for the medical exam but will also explain why prioritizing mental and physical health is of utmost importance.
What does Pediatrics for undergraduate teach and how is it helpful?
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that includes treating children and infants by providing physical and behavioral care. Given the fact that pediatrician undergraduate courses have to prepare students for the monumental task of handling children and infants, it is always a good idea to look for supplementing information through online pediatric courses. These will not only strengthen your existing knowledge of pediatrics but also provide the advantage of being self-paced.
Online Surgery Courses for UnderGrads https://www.diginerve.com/course/surgery-for-undergrads/
Learn online courses about surgery. Learn about Online surgery Course from Dr Sriram Bhat M.220 hours of comprehensive video lectures & 2500+ MCQs .
How To Study Internal Medicine Effectively With Dr. Archith Boloor
Internal medicine, also known as general medicine, is a branch that specialises in the treatment, diagnosis, and preventive measures for various internal diseases ranging from neurology, cardiology, and gastroenterology – with several more. Students may often struggle with their internal medicine course as it covers a vast range of topics and thus, is often taxing to study. However difficult it may seem at first, it is very important as it builds a solid foundation for your life as a doctor and can also be rewarding once you know how to study internal medicine.
Common Mistakes Microbiology Students Make & How To Avoid Them?
No student is exempt from making mistakes, including MBBS students. Some mistakes such as over-confidence and under-confidence run common through all types of medical courses, and even beyond medicine itself. When you study microbiology online, there are several common mistakes that you can avoid to ensure success in your grades and career.
AIIMS PG Entrance Exam Tips That You Need To Know
The question of how to prepare for the AIIMS PG entrance exams is probably stuck on the minds of all students. Luckily, this article lists various preparation tips for study and other helpful advice surrounding the medical exam that all students should know. To get started, here are some essential AIIMS PG exam preparation tips to keep in mind while studying: