DigiNerve is an EdTech initiative by Jaypee Brothers, a pioneer and market leader in health science publishing with a legacy spanning over 5 decades. It aims to provide high quality content to improve More
What does Pediatrics for undergraduate teach and how is it helpful?
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that includes treating children and infants by providing physical and behavioral care. Given the fact that pediatrician undergraduate courses have to prepare students for the monumental task of handling children and infants, it is always a good idea to look for supplementing information through online pediatric courses. These will not only strengthen your existing knowledge of pediatrics but also provide the advantage of being self-paced.
5 common mistakes students make while preparing for MBBS
Medicine is regarded as a respected and lucrative career option by young professionals across the globe. However, becoming a doctor is not easy. Preparing for medical entrance exams is an uphill task. Adding to that the overall pressure and the expectations are enough to stress out any student. It is essential to know the most efficient manner to prepare which yields the best results without being overwhelmed.
How To Know if You’re Eligible To Take the MRCP Exam
Every medical student knows that the MRCP exam is one of the most prestigious postgraduate medical courses and allows graduates to practice medicine in India and worldwide, including Asian, European, and Gulf countries. Originally from the UK and conducted by the Royal Colleges of Physicians, the MRCP exam has two parts – part 1 and part 2 course. Part 1 is a written exam consisting of two papers, 100 best of five questions (BOF), and a time limit of 3 hours, all of which make cracking the MRCP exam very difficult.
Microbiology- Full Information for Undergraduates
Microbiology gives an aspirant a holistic insight into the world of microorganisms around us. From understanding the basics of the food chain to identifying the causes of a wide variety of diseases and disorders, microbiology finds utility in nearly all medical fields. https://diginerve.blogspot.com/2022/08/microbiology-full-information-for.html