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    Added on 01 April 2022
    Added on 01 April 2022
    Added on 01 April 2022
    How did Iowa State women's basketball recruits perform during the 2021-22 season? desmoinesregister.com Iowa State women's basketball currently has six recruits set to join the program in future classes, including four juniors. Here's how they all did this season....

    Added on 01 April 2022
    Indianola mayor provides insight on city manager search desmoinesregister.com The three finalists for Indianola's city manager are heading to town this week for visits with the public and city employees....

    Added on 01 April 2022
    Indianola city manager finalists talk about why they want the job desmoinesregister.com Indianola city manager finalists tout excitement to be included, offer familiarity with rural growing communities and look forward to coming home....

    Added on 01 April 2022
    New summer camps in Des Moines at risk amid hiring challenges weareiowa.com The city still needs to hire 22 of 24 positions to staff four new summer camps its planning to introduce this summer....