Dr. Vidushi Jain

  • Dermalinks, A-401,402 La Gracia Mall, Above Vishal Mega Mart, Crossings Republik, Uttar Pradesh 201016
Dr Vidushi Jain is a renowned Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Laser Specialist. She has great skill in dealing with all Skin, Hair and Nail related diseases.
  • Derma Links- Link to your Inner Beauty Skin, Hair & Nail
  • Dermalinks, A-401,402 La Gracia Mall, Above Vishal Mega Mart, Crossings Republik, Uttar Pradesh 201016
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Added on 18 October 2018
#SkinWhitening is quite #popular and well-liked by the #YoungGeneration. It is a #dream of many to look #beautiful and #fair. As such, we offer #Skin #whitening services which make you look #charming and radiant by reducing the prominence of #RedSpots as well as any patchy marks on your #skin.
Read more:- http://www.dermalinks.in/delhi/skin-whitening-clinic/
Skin Whitening Clinic in Indirapuram, East Delhi, Delhi | Dr. Vidushi Jain dermalinks.in Derma Links offer Skin Whitening Services by Dr. Vidushi Jain which make you look Charming and Rradiant by reducing the prominence of Red Spots as well as any p...

Added on 07 September 2018
#ChemicalPeeling is a process of #exfoliation of the #UpperSkinLayers with the use of #Aacids.
The #treatment is usually done by the beauticians with the use of #wide range of acids that peel off the epidermis.
This treatment promises total regeneration and the #rejuvenation with no trace of #wrinkles and a #smooth #skin tone.
Any Query then call:- +91 8512888065
Visit:- http://www.dermalinks.in
DermaLinks - The Complete Skin & Hair Solution Center in East Delhi dermalinks.in DermaLinks is the top skin specialist clinic in Delhi. Dr Vidushi Jain is an expert dermatologist for best laser treatment and skin treatment....

Added on 06 September 2018
Added on 30 August 2018
Acne is #characterized by a condition of #skin in which #Hair Follicles plug with oil and #dead #SkinCells and appear on the #skin as #pimples, #blackheads and #bumps. It mainly occurs during adolescence and in #adulthood. It would be wise on your part to #treat it in early stages and undergo #antiacni #treatment.
Contact us to Know more - +918512888065
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ACNE – A COMMON SKIN PROBLEM - Derma Links dermalinks.in Age shall not be the factor to decide how you look like. Beauty makes us feel better and happy from inside. Do not suffer because of your skin and get your glow...

Added on 29 August 2018
As #technology has #reshaped over the #years, #laser #HairRemoval has #significantly bettering. To get #rid of unwanted #Hair, we switch to shaving, #waxing & even threading. Unfortunately, these only provide a #temporary solution & cause the #hair to grow #back again in a short amount of time.
Contact us for More Details :+918512888065
Read more:- http://www.dermalinks.in/unwanted-hair-its-treatment/
UNWANTED HAIR & ITS TREATMENT - Derma Links dermalinks.in Excess or unwanted hair means an increase in hair in any parts of the body of a woman especially face, hands, legs and abdomen which otherwise are meant to be t...

Added on 24 August 2018
#StretchMarks are likely to appear in places where fat is #stored including #Thighs, #Hips, #Arms, #Buttocks, #AbdominalArea and #LowerBack. We try everything to remove those tenacious #Scars and #Stretch marks but what we get is disillusioned and #Depression.
To book an appointment call: +918512888065☎Or
Read more:-
STRETCH MARK & LASER TREATMENT - Derma Links dermalinks.in Stretch marks are a form of skin scarring associated with pregnancy, obesity, puberty and short term weight gain from body building and other physical activitie...

Added on 22 August 2018
This laser pigmentation removal treatment is like having a special eraser for your skin. The brown pigmentation marks will become deeper in colour after the laser treatment. Say goodbye to brown spots today, and say hello to a younger looking you!

To book an appointment call: +918512888065☎Or Visit http://www.dermalinks.in/
#dermatology #dermatologist #chemicalpeel #deeppeel #treat #skinpignmentation #finelines #patienteducation #HealthySkin, #tattoo
DermaLinks - The Complete Skin & Hair Solution Center in East Delhi dermalinks.in DermaLinks is the top skin specialist clinic in Delhi. Dr Vidushi Jain is an expert dermatologist for best laser treatment and skin treatment....

Added on 21 August 2018
The immunity level of the #skin becomes low during #monsoon. There are several infections taking place in the #skin which lead to number of #diseases related to different systems. There can be #SkinProblems like, rashes, and pimples. The season tends to infect the air, #atmosphere, surroundings food and #drinks that are the basic necessities for a person to live.

We offer #SkinWhitening services which make you look #charming and radiant by reducing the #prominence of red #spots as well as any
Skin Whitening - Derma Links dermalinks.in Take care of your skin and habituate yourself to look good every day and every time. Skin Whitening is quite popular and well-liked by the young generation. It ...