College Disha | Career Counseling

  • B-48, First Floor, Sector-63, Noida U.P. 201301
We are a rapidly rising education portal that will provide you invaluable information, counseling, and guidance to help you choose your career path wisely.
  • Best Career Counselling, Education Portal
  • B-48, First Floor, Sector-63, Noida U.P. 201301

College Disha | Career Counseling

We are a rapidly rising education portal that will provide you invaluable information, counseling, and guidance to help you choose your career path wisely.
  • Best Career Counselling, Education Portal
  • B-48, First Floor, Sector-63, Noida U.P. 201301
We are a rapidly rising education portal that will provide you invaluable information, counseling, and guidance to help you choose your career path wisely.
  • Best Career Counselling, Education Portal
  • B-48, First Floor, Sector-63, Noida U.P. 201301
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Added on 13 July 2021
It will be declared in May and the board will release it on its official website. So, students can check the result easily. Students are eager to know their respective JKBOSE 10th Result because it will decide whether they will be promoted to the next class or not. It contains several details other than the marks in different subjects. These details are related to you and are the same which you mentioned in the registration form. Thus it is again very necessary to fill the registration form carefully. Also, the result declared on the official website is the provisional result and contains less information than the original result. Students will only be promoted to the next class when they qualify/pass this exam with a minimum of 33% of their total marks. If they are unable to qualify for one or two subject exams, they can apply for supplementary exams. This is the additional opportunity which the board provides to the students to qualify for the exam.

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