Cold Box

    Cold Box

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    Added on 13 September 2022
    Cold Box Inc. - Cold Storage Los Angeles | LOS ANGELES COLD STORAGE NEAR ME
    The growing field of biosciences in the biotech industry are using our cold boxes for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they are utilized to prevent their raw materials from suffering damage from high ambient temperatures. They are most often used for the storage of testing kits, samples and even vaccines. Our cold boxes are easily successfully mapped for their consistency of maintaining specific internal temperatures by “mapping” contractors hired by the bioscience industry to verify the reliability of our cold boxes.
    We have customers in the beer making business that store their hops and finished product in our reliable cold boxes. Whether it is cases of cans, bottles or kegs and barrels, these cold boxes offer the perfect alternative to building expensive walk-in coolers. They are often used for cold storage “staging” of their brewery and distillery products prior to delivery.

    Contact information
    4000 Santa Fe Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90810
    (562) 472-1617


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