Cold Box
    Added on 24 October 2022
    Cold Box Inc. - Cold Storage Bay Area | COLD STORAGE NEAR ME

    Cold Storage Bay Area has been hard at work designing the ultimate refrigeration unit. Our new, custom designed 20-ft domestic container will include the most sought after features available on the market today. NSFThe new Domestic container refrigeration system is a one-piece unit, which comes factory charged and tested. It is equipped with a hot gas defrost and evaporator section which can provide heat to help maintain critical temperatures (range of -10°F to 50°F). The entire unit can be installed and removed easily with a forklift. One of the most exciting features it that the domestic container only requires 220-volt, single phase electrical power, making this unit more versatile, economical, reliable and quieter than any unit available today. Refrigeration unit will be installed in a newly designed 20-ft insulated container with attractive features like easy open doors, interior lighting, remote controls, flat floor, tamperproof security gates, temperature alarm and security alarm capability.
    if you need help with COLD STORAGE SAN FRANCISCO contact us

    Contact information
    850 - 92nd Ave. #5 Oakland, Ca. 94603 , USA


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