Breaking the Myths of Minimizer Bras
A minimizer bra has always been a fancy term that most women couldn’t figure out what it means. Well, we decided to unveil the mystery and present it to you in the simplest way possible.
How to Wash Your Bras?
Throwing your bras in the washing machine seems very easy but do you this could be damaging your bras? Your lingerie is the most delicate clothing in your wardrobe. Storing and washing them correctly can make them last longer.
Evolution of Bra Trends
If you have ever surfed the Bra wiki corners of Internet then you would know that strapless, padded, push-up, silicon, lace are not the only versions of bras that exist. Bullet, corset, handkerchief too are versions of a bra! Amazed? Wait till you get to know the life story of a bra.
Size Up Or Size Down: We Make Finding The Right Bra Easy
Women have been wearing the wrong size bra since forever. Choosing the right size bra is as such a challenging task for most of the ladies. It gets worse when the selective size isn’t available, and they have to select that sister size bra reading through complex bra size charts and lists.