Thanks to the hype of misinformed media and fake narratives of radical animal rights groups, hunting in general and African hunting has been portrayed as a major reason for declining wildlife in Africa. African hunting is under major attack. But all that gets portrayed is wrong if statistics of wildlife numbers are pursued. This raises hopes of continued plain games hunting in Namibia for passionate hunters. And for those hunters these are the five reasons to start planning this African Safari:
You’re Saving African Wildlife
Whatever anti-African hunting lobbies might say, this hunting is not only important to African wildlife but it is critical for the African game. African wildlife is under serious threat from the growth of population across the continent. A growing population puts huge pressure on precious natural resources, be it the need for more land for agriculture and livestock or large scale poaching for mining. It is a proven fact that hunting provides poor rural Africa means for its economic survival and gives them a major incentive and reason for preserving their wildlife. There are numerous examples across the African continent where Hunter Dollars have funded initiatives like fresh drinking water for people, schools and health services for poor in rural areas.
It’s Very Affordable
Contrary to perceptions, African Safaris are comparatively inexpensive. For an average daily rate of $300 to $450 and trophy fees ranging from $250 to $1,500, it is possible to book a ten-day plains game safari and take a half-dozen animals- far less than the price of an Alaskan moose hunt. This is because accommodation in most African lodges is affordable. The best value for money is “package” hunts where it is possible to take on a short (roughly week-long) hunt at reduced rates. Another inexpensive method is to book cancellation hunts which are far less expensive because the outfitter or PH is simply looking to fill the spot.
It’s Generally Safe
It is safe contrary to the negative narrative of media with focused reporting of unrest in a few pockets while ignoring peaceful areas. Of course, there are a few dangerous areas in Africa where travel is avoidable but the entire continent is not unsafe. Hiring services of a reputed PH and following his instructions could ensure safe and secure Namibia safari hunting.
There’s No Need to Buy a Bunch of New Gear
While a big bore rifle, a floppy hat and a vest with shell loops will give any seeker a fancy African hunter look, but no such fancy gear is needed for an African hunting expedition. For most African hunters, a jacket, a good pair of worn boots, mid-weight-clothing, a backpack and a pair of binoculars is what is needed.
Fortunately, Africa was spared the worst effects of the Ice age and has been thus blessed with much higher mammalian diversity compared to other continents. It isn’t uncommon in Africa to be able to pursue three times that many animals in a single area compared to a vast tract in North America. While the colonial era had taken its toll but Namibia safari hunting still remains highly affordable.