Send and share the best Christmas greetings, messages, quotes, graphics, funny pictures and poems to your loved ones and spread lots of Christmas cheer!
Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
The recent trend of “sadverts” being able to overwhelm the audience with emotions is continued with the immense popularity as 2015’s best Christmas advert was crowned to Edeka #heimkommen (homecoming). This guilt rollercoaster of an ad was aired on November 28, 2015,, just on the eve of Christmas. Within a week, the ad received 20 million views on Youtube and 300000 likes along with 500000 shares on Facebook.
This superlatively sentimental ad showcases a lonely old man who spends Christmas alone. His children gets the news of his death and came running to home only to see him alive saying “How else could I have brought you all together?”. This ad made the audience stop for a while and contemplate. The sadness settles in our heart that takes us home bound!
Nothing can beat the joy of Christmas so as of the Tallinn Estonia...The best pleasing market for Christmas ' Tallinn Estonia', still the unbeatable...The beauty of this place at the time of Christmas is adorable and mesmerizing, which is the center of attraction to the people...
Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs, rising or falling, grasping at kisses and toys, advancing boldly, sudden to take alarm, retreating to the corner of arm and knee, eager to be reassured, taking pleasure in the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree. ~ T. S. Eliot
Food and Festival are complimentary linked...The sweet fragrance and taste of muffins and chocolates and cake plate up with the exotic dishes and ladle out with a glass of wine and other striking drinks is the wonderful part that creates more excitement within the love ones for their festival.....
Be magnificent this Christmas and merrymaking .....
Sandra Lee's ultimate Christmas
Christmas is less than one week away and the rush is on to complete holiday menus.For those still deciding what to serve family and friends, lifestyle expert an...
Santa Claus is on his way
Riding on the sleigh
He is here to fill you with joy and smiles
And that's why he has traveled this mile
Be good, be honest and have your name tag
On one of the present in his huge bag
The Significance of Christmas is known to men, all over the world. Though it is true that Christmas is celebrated as the day of the Birth of Christ into this world, yet it also symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus Christ is the very personification of Divinity. He was born at a time when ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred, and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. Purity was forgotten and morality was neglected. Be merrymaking this Christmas and spread Love.