Send and share the best Christmas greetings, messages, quotes, graphics, funny pictures and poems to your loved ones and spread lots of Christmas cheer!
Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
Carry a star in your heart;
Not only on the Christmas day
Let it glow with a hand of help;
For those who need you the most.
Christmas is not just the shimmering trees
Nor is it the sparkling tinsel;
Christmas is not the Santa on sleigh,
Nor is only about gifts and presents.
Wipe a tear and lend your shoulder
To those who are distressed and poor;
Give a smile to the heart which is crying
And thats the true Christmas grandeur.
"Happiness is when gifts are Homemade in Christmas"
Homemade means love in other words that are seen by the one who loves us to the utmost... Whereas Christmas is the best time to show love and to get love ... There are many items which are really easy and simple to prepare for Christmas and gift them, some related ideas are attached below.