Send and share the best Christmas greetings, messages, quotes, graphics, funny pictures and poems to your loved ones and spread lots of Christmas cheer!
Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
Give a unique Gift to your Child which can help him/her to learn about investment and finance system this Christmas... This idea of gifting will sure make an unusual reaction to the children and to discuss more interestingly.
The recent trend of “sadverts” being able to overwhelm the audience with emotions is continued with the immense popularity as 2015’s best Christmas advert was crowned to Edeka #heimkommen (homecoming). This guilt rollercoaster of an ad was aired on November 28, 2015,, just on the eve of Christmas. Within a week, the ad received 20 million views on Youtube and 300000 likes along with 500000 shares on Facebook.
This superlatively sentimental ad showcases a lonely old man who spends Christmas alone. His children gets the news of his death and came running to home only to see him alive saying “How else could I have brought you all together?”. This ad made the audience stop for a while and contemplate. The sadness settles in our heart that takes us home bound!
Christmas is for everyone... Jesus always ask to follow the path of being kind and help every one who are in needs... Therefor this five year old son and mother had unintentionally made soo many people happy at a time only by just giving them handmade cards... They were with this view that Christmas is for every poor and rich and soo this Christmas they will celebrate it with others... This shows the humanity and the love for the Jesus that can teach every human a lesson...
Be Merrymaking .