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Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
The Best Christmas Movies on Netflix in
More than any other streaming service, Netflix has gone all-in on original Christmas content, including some hidden gems. Combine those with a few classic Christmas titles, and Netflix has plenty of holiday movies worth watching. Here are the 10 best. .... read more
As I was about to go off to sleep
I heard a knock and a small beep
I tried to peep and see who was on the door
Thats when I saw Santa sitting on the floor
He was carrying a bag with lots of gifts inside
Waitng for me to sleep so that he could
Drop the gift by my bedside
I hurried to my room and pretended to sleep
Thats when Santa crept in like a lazy sheep
I feel so happy I am on Santas list
The joy of opening the parcel, I can truly not resist.