Send and share the best Christmas greetings, messages, quotes, graphics, funny pictures and poems to your loved ones and spread lots of Christmas cheer!
Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
As I was about to go off to sleep
I heard a knock and a small beep
I tried to peep and see who was on the door
Thats when I saw Santa sitting on the floor
He was carrying a bag with lots of gifts inside
Waitng for me to sleep so that he could
Drop the gift by my bedside
I hurried to my room and pretended to sleep
Thats when Santa crept in like a lazy sheep
I feel so happy I am on Santas list
The joy of opening the parcel, I can truly not resist.
Food and Festival are complimentary linked...The sweet fragrance and taste of muffins and chocolates and cake plate up with the exotic dishes and ladle out with a glass of wine and other striking drinks is the wonderful part that creates more excitement within the love ones for their festival.....
Be magnificent this Christmas and merrymaking .....
Sandra Lee's ultimate Christmas
Christmas is less than one week away and the rush is on to complete holiday menus.For those still deciding what to serve family and friends, lifestyle expert an...
Here are some of their tips for parents - for the holidays, but really for any time of the year
How To Not Spoil Your Kids This
Parents have the conflicting desires to give their kids everything they want but not leave them entitled and spoiled. Two experts gave us some advice about how ...