Send and share the best Christmas greetings, messages, quotes, graphics, funny pictures and poems to your loved ones and spread lots of Christmas cheer!
Best Greetings, Messages, Graphics, Quotes for 2024
Its Christmas time. The time to celebrate, the time to adorn the Christmas tree and also the time to bake cakes. But above all its time to spread love, joy and renewed hopes in life of those who needs it the most. Celebrate Christmas and keep Christ in your heart not only for Christmas but all the year round.
The recent trend of “sadverts” being able to overwhelm the audience with emotions is continued with the immense popularity as 2015’s best Christmas advert was crowned to Edeka #heimkommen (homecoming). This guilt rollercoaster of an ad was aired on November 28, 2015,, just on the eve of Christmas. Within a week, the ad received 20 million views on Youtube and 300000 likes along with 500000 shares on Facebook.
This superlatively sentimental ad showcases a lonely old man who spends Christmas alone. His children gets the news of his death and came running to home only to see him alive saying “How else could I have brought you all together?”. This ad made the audience stop for a while and contemplate. The sadness settles in our heart that takes us home bound!
Always searching for the unconventional gift for your young ones??
Probably the search ends up here with this squashy, and pulpy gifts for the children, which will definitely make them jump out of joy...
Go ahead and celebrate your Merry Christmas...