Hi, I’m Christina Tilly. I’m a Human Resource consultant living in London, UK. I am a fan of technology and business. I’m also interested in travel. More
Functions of Human Resource Management
In general human resource management is all about hiring, motivating and engaging the employee in an organization.
Human Resource Management is one such business activity that keeps pondering the need for new changes and innovations. An HR professional has to keep himself updated on the new technologies, strategic management techniques, applications and more.
Neither there is an escape from technology nor we need an escape from it. The easiness and promptness to work have made technology the comfiest part of life. There is hardly any operation in our daily life that isn’t touched by technology.
When it comes to automation of work, it doesn’t mean your job is getting replaced, however, it’s about how your job is redefined. Automation is all about giving new dimensions to your current way of practice. A greater amount of work gets pushed outside the definitions or boundaries of “job” under automation. In simpler words, your work becomes more fluid and easy to carry with.
Read More: https://www.openhrms.com/blog/the-future-of-ai-and-automation-in-the-workforce
The secret sauce of flourishing business is flourishing employees. The formula is basic if you have an energetic, talented and enthusiastic workforce; your business automatically boosts and energize to produce more. In this article, we investigate why employee wellbeing and prosperity matters to a business.
Mexico’s competitive labor rates have always been intrigued by foreign businesses. Being, lower the cost of living in the city, the hourly wage of workers has always stayed relatively low in Mexico comparing to countries like the U.S. This has caught the attention of global businesses and Americans are no exceptions.
Read More: https://www.openhrms.com/blog/time-management-software-for-mexican-companies